The term “green concrete” refers to concrete that is optimized in terms of environmental impact, sustainability and resource efficiency. Green concrete aims to reduce the environmental footprint of the building materials industry and enable more sustainable construction projects. Here are some aspects that are often associated with green concrete:
- Recycling of materials:
- Green concrete can be made from recycled materials, such as recycled crushed concrete or industrial byproducts such as fly ash from coal-fired power plants or blast furnace slag from steel production.
- Lower cement content:
- The production of cement, a main component of concrete, is energy intensive and contributes significantly to CO2 emissions. Green concrete can reduce the environmental impact by reducing the cement content and using alternative binders.
- Local materials:
- The use of local materials reduces transport costs and thus reduces the ecological footprint. Green concrete therefore often takes into account the availability of materials near the construction project.
- Carbon capture:
- Research efforts focus on carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to minimize CO2 emissions during the production of concrete.
The focus on green concrete is part of a broader trend in the construction industry to promote more sustainable construction practices. Numerous initiatives, certification systems and research projects are dedicated to the development and implementation of environmentally friendly building materials such as green concrete.